It's your frame of mind.

In different stages of life from childhood till the end we go through so many things which forces us to think differently, with each and every new thing we come across in our life we observe it, try to understand it,  learn it, we give our perspective, we give our thought to it, pursue towards it, and then we take actions towards our thoughts isn't that's what happens to all of us???? 
But have we ever tried to think about,

🤔  what our thoughts may reflect like ???
🤔  Which path it may lead to us??? 
🤔  Where is its end, of all these thoughts?? 
🤔  Are they appropriate or are just abruptly popping up???? 


Thoughts are like growing trees when our brain comes across some new thing or any new environment it starts growing a new tree along with its new branches, with each new thought there are more thoughts bombarding our brain. 
 Imagine our brain with lots of trees in it each branch of the tree has its own meaning, the same way thoughts are like trees... 
A single stimulus is enough to grow a huge tree, that's the power of our mind.

What we need to do??? 
In order to achieve a frame of mind, we need to make our thoughts clear, simple, and steady, but how!!!
 That's what we are searching for... 

Before knowing, what is a frame of mind??? Let me explain it with a simple basic law,  which we all already know and can relate to this.  how!!!!!!! 🤷‍♀🙄
 I'll explain it... 
We all had learned the basic law of reflection of light, it states that "The angle at which the rays is incident on the surface, equals the angle at which is reflected," i.e if light falls on a smooth surface it will reflect back at the same angle as it hits the surface and gives a proper specular reflection ( proper image), instead of when light hits on an object and reflects in lots of different direction and gives a diffuse reflection, this phenomenon take place on a rough surface which produce a vague reflection. 
Thus, in the same way, consider our thoughts as rays of light and our mind as a surface(smooth or rough) 
When our thoughts come in our mind, the brain understands it, interprets our thoughts, and then it reflects back in the form of our attitude. 

 If a person has a clear mind just like a smooth surface the person's thoughts may reflect a good image, a good attitude, a better personality may develop within him/her and may lead to a proper path.

 But if a person has an unclear mind just like a rough surface the person's thoughts may reflect in various different direction and it gives an imprecise attitude towards things, a vague image.

And that's what I want to tell you, a frame of mind is just your attitude,  that's what it means
What's Human nature ???

It's very natural that a person may have different thoughts, different opinions, different views which are reflected from there minds, it may be positive, a negative one, if I say a bundle of things bombarding our brain and that's true because it is human nature to think abruptly, and that's what our brain does create lots of thoughts but it is necessary to keep our mind clear for all these thoughts to reflect back like a specular reflection instead of letting scatter it in all direction and when each and every thought of our brain (+ve/-ve)  falls on a clear mind it leads to a positive attitude towards the surrounding, towards the environment, and the most towards yourself. 

What we need to learn??? 
A person shows many types of attitudes, isn't it? A positive,  negative, good, bad,  rude, emotional, confident, etc. 
 But are we putting all this when we really have to reflect it,  that's what it's necessary to,  is putting an appropriate attitude of yourself on an appropriate situation, environment, towards other is what we need to learn,  thus for that, a clear mind is needed which we can get through many mind practices, one of which I had explained in my first blog  click on the following link to know more about introspection

Mankind should learn to have a frame of mind, ask yourself are you having a frame of mind?
The answer is  Yes we do have,  but do we know what kind of frame of mind (attitude)  we are having?? 
Ask yourself again and again, what are you, what are you reflecting like, why are you like this???  Is what all we are finding 

Many people say sit before the mirror and interrogate with yourself, talk to yourself but I think it might be a good practice to do but why to do such things, I personally feel why to sit in front of a mirror instead its better to make your mind a mirror which will reflect you internally, instead of sitting in front of the mirror and just know your presence it feels it's insane. 

"You yourself is only a mirror of your own kind which will reflect you internally and virtually your personality ".

In the end, just know yourself, reflect your thoughts on a clear mind, know your personality, develop it,  know who really you are, and reflect with the best attitude towards surrounding and environment. 
It's just that you should know to control it and thus we say...

studying physiotherapy,self creator, believe in my own work, love to read comics, simple living, in search to know new things, rest is reflected in my blogs....


  1. Your information is practicable & many person's questions solved by this... Heartly Thank You🙌🙌

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